Eyelash lifting is proving to be one of the fastest growing beauty
treatments around the world. But what exactly is eyelash lifting? How does
it work? And what are the benefits. Read on and we’ll tell you everything
you need to know!!
Eyelash lifting has been around for longer than one would presume. It is
very similar to Lash Perming. The natural lashes are raised and
accentuated into luxurious lifted and curled lash are a great alternative if
you want to try something other than lash extensions.
This popular salon treatment sees the natural lash adhered to a carefully
selected silicone rod with a water-soluble glue. Carefully your lash
technician will section, isolate and place your own natural lash into their
new complementary position. Gently and carefully the lifting lotion is
applied to the lashes, allowing the hair to be lifted into a new position. A
short processing time is required before the lifting lotion is removed and
replaced with a setting lotion and you’re good to go.
The end results. luscious, longer looking, curled lashes that will last the
duration of your natural lash cycle, which can last up to 2 months -WOW!
You can still apply mascara, swim and live your life as normal, we advise to
wait 24-48 hours before doing so.